Use your body instead of machines!
TRX Suspension trailer was developed by US navy corps in 2004. In the recent years it became the basic equipment of functional training, it concurred the world from hobbyist to professional athletes and also is a major technique for rehabilitation from sport injuries. This is the most recommended equipment for improvement of strength by fitness coaches. The advantage of TRX suspension trainer contrary to other functional equipment comes from the nature of the suspension method.
Throughout suspension training the users hand or leg is suspended at a point while the other limb is on the ground. TRX is an acronym for Totalbody Resistance Exercise. On the trainings we use our bodyweight as resistance, the intensity depends on the angle between our body and the ground and by our stability. The suspension trainings original instability requires aligned work for all the muscles between the suspension and the ground. It became from the lack of support of the body. TRX suspension trainer gives a very intensive and efficient workout for improving, strength, stamina, coordination, flexibility and core-muscle stability.
It provides an integrated workout for the whole body. The trainings done by the equipment are diverse and gives an enjoyable workout experience with infinite variety of exercises.